Baby Spinach With Raisins And Pine Nuts

Easy to make salad

Category : Salad
Rating :
Total Votes : 0
Contributed By: Nimi Thilak
Serving :2-3
Cooking Time : 5 mints
Cusine Type : Chinese


300g baby spinach(used in salads)
1/3 cup raisins,soacked in hot water for 10 mints
1/3 cup pine nuts
2 cloves garlic
salt and pepper to taste


1.Drain the rasins and set aside.
2.Heat some olive oil in a pan.
3.When hot,add in pine nuts and saute until they begin to brown.
4.Add garlic,raisins and spinach and toss quickly
until the spinach is just wilted.
5.Season with salt and pepper and serve .

Garnish with croutons for added crunch.

Croutons=small pieces of dry or fried bread pieces

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Tips of the day
If you have forgotten to soak chana overnight, just put the chana in a boiling water for an hour. They are ready for cooking.