Egg Puffs

Yummy and very easy to make egg puffs recipe.

Category : Egg
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Contributed By: Rasmisnair
Serving :3
Cooking Time : 45mins
Cusine Type : Kerala


Puff pastry sheets-1(readymade)
Eggs 3
Chopped onions 2 cup
Ginger paste 1 tbsp
Garlic paste 1 tbsp
Coriander Powder 1 tsp
Garam masala 2 pinch
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Red chilli powder 1 tsp
Salt as required
Oil 3 tbsp


Thaw the pastry sheet by leaving it out in room temperature for about an hour or so.

Boil the eggs and take the shell. Cut each egg vertically(lengthwise)into two halves.

Heat oil in the pan. Fry onion until it gets brown. Then add ginger and garlic paste. Fry till its smell goes. Then add garam masala, coriander powder and red chilly powder.Then add egg halves, fry for 2 minutes.Egg filling is ready now.

Slowly unfold the sheet and cut into 6 square pieces. Roll each piece with rolling pin to make it little thinner.

Put egg half in each of them along with onion Gravy, bring two corners into middle and close them with help of little water.

Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit. Place the prepared puffs on a baking tray and bake for 30 to 45 minutes or till they turn golden brown.

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Tips of the day
While storing the excess dough in the refrigerator coat it with a light layer of ghee or oil. This shall prevent the dough from getting dry.