Egg Avial

Avial made of egg and potato

Category : Egg
Rating :
Total Votes : 2
Contributed By: Lakshmi
Serving :4
Cooking Time : 30minutes
Cusine Type : Kerala


Egg - 4
Potato - medium sized - 1
Coconut - 3 tbsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Green chilli - 1
Curry leaves - few
Pearl onion (shallot) - 1
Turmeric - a pinch
Salt to taste
Coconut oil - 1/2 tsp


Boil the egg in whole until firm inside.Remove shell and Cut the egg into long slices along with the yolk.

Cut the potato into long thin wedges and cook with turmeric and salt.

Grind the coconut, cumin seeds, pearl onion and green chilli into a coarse paste without adding water like we do for avial.

When the potato gets cooked add the egg slices and mix. Carefully mix so that the pieces are not broken. Add the coconut mixture and let it cook for about 5 minuts. Finally add curry leaves and sprinkle a little coconut oil for flavour.

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Tips of the day
Always mash potatoes when they are still quite hot. They mash more easily and can be finely mashed too.