Kerala Porota

Kerala Porota is synonymous with Kerala

Category : Other
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Total Votes : 0
Contributed By: Marina Joseph
Serving : variable
Cooking Time : 40 minitues
Cusine Type :


500 gm maida
1 egg
1/4 cup Milk
3 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons ghee / dalda
Water & salt as required


1. Blend egg well with milk, water and salt and add this to the flour. Knead the mixture well enough to a consistency slightly loose than that of chappathi. Cover the dough with a wet cloth and leave it for 2 or 3 hrs. 2. Then divide it into

balls of equal size(a big lemon size). Apply some oil and roll it out into thin rounds like chappathi.

3. Again pour some generous amount oil/ghee/dalda and then roll the \'chappathi\' from both the ends towards the middle. Hold the \'chappathi\' from one end and curl it into a flat round roll.

4. Keep doing the same with the remaining balls. Once finished, take the first roll and roll it out flat using a roller pin once again, not too thin and roast it on a hot tava, pressing it occasionally, so that it starts bulging.

5. Once you have made a few \'parathas\' like this, hold 2 porotas and smash it against each other, so that it will turn out to be soft and layered. Serve hot with any of your spicy curries.

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Tips of the day
Leftover chappathies can be cut into small diamond shaped pieces with a pair of kitchen scissors and deep fried till golden brown. Store in air-tight containers.