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Roasted rice flour 1 cup
Butter 1 teaspoon
Soda powder 1/2 teaspoon
Water as required
Gingelly 1 teaspoon
Cumin 1/4 teaspoon
Scrapped coconut 1 cup
Oil as required
Salt as required


Heat the scrapped coconut in a vessel to remove all moisture and care is taken such that the coconut does not turn brown and keep aside.

Take butter and soda powder in a flat vessel and mix well, the rice flour is added along with water added little by little at a time. Add enough salt to it. This is kneaded like done for ?puttu? until a smooth dough is formed. The gingelly and cumin are added next. Finally the coconut is mixed with the dough and then make small balls off this dough and deep fried in low flame in coconut oil.

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